Contract manufacturing, supply of electronic components, development of finished electronic devices and parts of electronic devices, manufacturing of printed circuit boards, installation of components.
We have been successfully operating in the market since 2015!

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Contract manufacturing, supply of electronic components, development of finished electronic devices and parts of electronic devices, manufacturing of printed circuit boards, installation of components.
We have been successfully operating in the market since 2015!



Contract manufacturing, supply of electronic components, development of finished electronic devices and parts of electronic devices, manufacturing of printed circuit boards, installation of components.
We have been successfully operating in the market since 2015!



Contract manufacturing, supply of electronic components, development of finished electronic devices and parts of electronic devices, manufacturing of printed circuit boards, installation of components.
We have been successfully operating in the market since 2015!

               Favorite is a young, growing company. The main activity of the company is - contract manufacturing, development and manufacture of finished electronic devices and parts of electronic devices, as well as various instruments for telecommunications, navigation, control, measurement, control, testing and other purposes. Our company is a full-cycle company, from development to assembly and testing of equipment. In collaboration with leading enterprises in the field of electronic industry in Russia.
           The main mission of the company is to develop competitive products that bring profit to our customers.
            One of our activities is also distributor activity, in the delivery of components to the Russian market of electronic components, we control the entire supply chain of components from suppliers and contract manufacturers of electronic components to the customer.

Electronics Manufacturing


- Conceptual design - development of a fundamental idea, elaboration of strategies and approaches used for design
- System design - definitions of architecture, components, interfaces and other characteristics of the system and its parts

- Design - analysis and synthesis of various design options, their calculations, execution of drawings, etc. Development of appropriate technological conditions, i.e. methods and technical conditions for the implementation of a specific model

- 3D-prototyping - the process of creating a three-dimensional prototype of an object.

- Development of electrical circuits

       -design of printed circuit boards;
       -production and supply of printed circuit boards;
       -purchase of electronic components;
       -testing and tuning of the components of electronic products;
       -making and assembling structural elements of electronics;
       -testing, tuning and testing of finished products.

- Assembly and installation of finished products

- Creating software - Individual software for the designed equipment and its functioning

- Calculation justification - justification of the price of the project, suppliers, contractors, contractors who supply the necessary goods, perform the necessary work, provide the necessary services.


- Engineering support at all stages
- Multistage quality control
- Annual volume planning
- Individual project support
- Reliable component suppliers

- original electronic components
- Multilayer printed circuit boards
- microwave circuit boards
- Single and double sided printed circuit boards
- Printed circuit boards on a metal base (AL)
- Flexible Rigid PCBs
- Flexible printed circuit boards

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